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What's After* Print?

What's After* Print?

You may find this confusing. You are on the Oolors website, and suddenly, there's an 'After* Print' section. Additionally, you might wonder about the presence of Oolors' friends: OFFCUT and ALL-BOOK-S, which are created by the same individual, Allegro Print. So... Here comes the explanation ↓

@after.print reflects a collective mindset by ➎ brands, from ➊ origin — Allegro Print Pte Ltd


Allegro Print Pte Ltd is a unique print house in Singapore with a diverse portfolio of brands and services that has expanded over time.

We didn't have a platform to discuss all ➎ brands together, and we were contemplating the next phase for our print house. The concept and introduction of 'After* Print' came timely to address the various brands under ➊ shared vision.

A sunrise industry in the making,
shaped by human hands and hearts.

Amidst the sunset industry, a radiant sunrise emerges – helmed by a collective mindset by five brands. After* Print embraces. a renewed mindset within the print production industry.

We go beyond mere production.

Our true passion lies in exploring the present and future potentials in all our endeavours, while also empowering the thinkers and doers within our community.

In contrast to the fading sunset industry, we propose a new ‘sunrise’ industry—one that creates value and bring wonder to the world we inhabit.

Printing and More

After* Print is a compound word of words, 'After' and 'Print'. The combination, therefore, represents our unwavering dedication to rediscover print, and experiment to uncover what lies ahead. The essence of this mindset and the philosophy of our pursuit.

So... What now?

We aim to use our social media channels (@after.print on IG and this blog) to showcase a range of behind-the-scenes content, unveiling the people + discovery behind the creations from Allegro Print, LayerPlay, OFFCUT, Oolors, and ALL-BOOK-S.

In addition to our content creation efforts aimed to value-add the industry, we have upcoming plans to host in-person After* hours talks and events at our print house. These gatherings will center on the books printed with us and encourage collaboration with like-minded individuals to create unique and innovative products.

The future is unknown to us as well, and that's precisely why we must embark on this journey.

After* Print Framework

A Renewed Mindset = Our Own Standard

Instead of passively waiting for our ‘decline’, a common perspective in the print production industry, we recognised the importance of venturing into uncharted territories, even if uncertainty shrouds our path. We're pursuing a holistic approach that transcends mere printing and encourages us to venture into new possibilities while embracing change.

This is how we've come to have such a diverse array of brands. Reflecting on our past actions and aspirations has sharpened our sense of purpose and molded our collective mindset. The introduction of After* Print has deepened this clarity.

Amidst the sunset industry,
a radiant sunrise emerges.

If you're interested in learning more or collaborating with us in this new venture, please don't hesitate to get in touch. We can schedule a coffee session to explore your ideas and possibilities, or let us share more with you.

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➎ brands from ➊ origin

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➎ brands from ➊ origin